03 Desember 2014

Adjective Clause |

Yeah, I won't run away from you.  #1 Litre of Tears

Hoiii, nee!

Kali ini Aya posting tentang tugas sekolah lohh (!) 
Haha, label tugas akhirnya ada yang ngisi. 
Seperti yg kalian lihat pada judul postingan ini, #EnglishLesson

Besok tugas mapel itu mau dikumpulin, loohh....
Meski ini bukan karya Aya, tapi itu hasil kerja keras tauu ; browsing, selecting, copying, pastying, hhaaa :)
Jadi, hargain ya.  5000 juga mending, asal ikhlas. *ngoookk

Gak deng~ 
Hari ini diskon, jadi bayarnya pakai senyum dan comment aja, ya (y)
Besok diskon juga, lusa juga, tahun depan juga. 

My fav japan actress. #1 litre of tears

Okeh, okeh, yang sabar ngehadapin manusia jenis satu ini.
Langsung saja,



   - An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun. A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb. An adjective clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a noun or a pronoun in the main  clause.  

  - Adjective clauses are always dependent clauses that modifies a noun.  It is possible to combine the following two sentences to form one sentence containing an adjective clause.

    B.   PATTERN
An adjective clause—also called an adjectival or relative clause—will meet three requirements:
  • First, it will contain a subject and verb.
  • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [whowhomwhosethat, or which] or a relative adverb [whenwhere, or why].
  • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? orWhich one?

The adjective clause will follow one of these two patterns:

relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb

relative pronoun as subject + verb

The subordinators in adjective clauses are called relative pronouns. These are the most important relative pronouns: who, whom, that, which.

These relative pronouns can be omitted when they are objects of verbs. When they are objects of prepositions, they can be omitted when they do not follow the preposition.

1.   WHO replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. Ininformal writing (but not in academic writing), it can be used as the object of a verb.
Ex : My English teacher, who wears old fashioned ties, is laughed at by the students.

2.  WHOM replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It can be the object of a verb or preposition. It cannot be the subject of a verb.
Ex : Students whom I admire want to become English teachers.
(Again, the adjective clause is underlined and modifies the subject "students.")

3.  WHICH replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to animals or things. It cannot replace nouns and pronouns that refer to people. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition.
Ex : I love sentences which extol the virtues of English teachers.
(The adjective clause is underlined. It modifies the object "sentences.")

4.   THAT replaces nouns and pronouns that refer to people, animals or things. It can be the subject of a verb. It can also be the object of a verb or preposition (butthat cannot follow a preposition; whom, which, and whose are the only relative pronouns that can follow a preposition).
Ex : The English teachers that I like best forget to go to class.

The following words can also be used as relative adverb: whose, when, where.

1.   WHOSE replaces possessive forms of nouns and pronouns. It can refer to people, animals or things. It can bepart of a subject or part of an object of a verb or preposition, but it cannot be a complete subject or object. Whose cannot be omitted.  Ex :
- The man is happy. + I found the man’s wallet. = The man whose wallet I found is happy.
- The girl is excited. + Her mother won the lottery. = The girl whose mother won the lottery is excited.

2.   WHEN replaces a time (in + year, in + month, on + day,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted. Ex :
I will never forget the day. + I graduated on that day.= I will never forget the day when I graduated.

3.   WHERE replaces a place (in + country, in + city, at + school,...). It cannot be a subject. It can be omitted but a preposition (at, in, to) usually must be added. Ex :
The building is new. + He works in the building. =The building where he works is new.

Adjective clauses perform the same function in sentences that adjectives do: they modify nouns.
o   The teacher has a car. (Car is a noun.)
o   It’s a new car. (New is an adjective which modifies car.)

o   The car that she is driving is not hers.
(That she is driving is an adjective clause which modifies car. It’s a clause because it has a subject (she) and a predicate (is driving); it’s an adjective clause because it modifies a noun.)

Note that adjectives usually precede the nouns they modify; adjective clauses always follow the nouns they modify.

I love rain and umbrella scene. #1 litre of tears

Okay, mina - san.
Semoga postingan tugas sekolah dan makalah ini bermanfaat.
*jgnbingungdgngambaryggaksesuaisamaisi --- cause it's my style :p

Jaane~ paiipai

1 komentar:

please, don't SPAM here!
I'll reply if I didn't busy -.-