11 Oktober 2014

Baby in Beachy | RBW #3

Meela menikmati petangnya dengan memandangi langit. Teleskop kesayangan yang dibelikan SaChi khusus untuk Meela itu menjadi pilihan utama sebagai entertain (hiburan) sekaligus media pembelajaran. Btw, Meela cita-cita jadi dokter bedah internasional, jadi ia harus naikin skill logikanya.

Langit terlihat cerah, padahal kini telah memasuki winter. Lihat saja, halaman sudah terlihat keabu-abuan tertutup embun salju.


Di sisi lain, Feaq tengah menghibur diri dengan melakukan salah satu hobinya, it is fishing. Haha, freak juga sih kalau dalam kehidupan nyata, orang mancing saat musim dingin.. Tapi, demi naikin skill , Feaq rela menggertakkan gigi serta mengcover badannya dengan jaket tebal.

back to Meela.
Ternyata, Meela tak mampu menahan boring di rumahnya tanpa Feaq. So, Meela pun ikut-ikutan ke pantai, meski bukan untuk memancing, melainkan..... ya tetap dong, buat naikin skill logic ; catur.

Apa kalian melihat keanehan dari gambar di atas? 
Apa? semuanya aneh? ckckck...
ok, ternyata ada baby nyasar di pantai sendirian, teman-teman. Dan, the baby is girl.
Hmm, siapa kira-kira dia? Bayi buangan? atau bayi turun dari langit? 

Feaq telah selesai dengan hobinya. Melihat ada bayi terkapar sementara Meela tak tahu menahu, maka Feaq pun menghampiri Meela dan memberitahukan perihal bayi perempuan malang tersebut.

"Meel, lu gak lihat?"
"Apa, nee-chan?"
"Tuh, ada bayi."
"Bayi siapa? Mana orangtuanya? Dan kenapa ada di pantai saat musim beginian?"
"Banyak banget pertanyaan lu. Gue tambahin 1 pertanyaan lagi, nih ; Apa harus gue jawab semua pertanyaan lu?"
"Okeh, mending kita adopsi. Gimana? Biar rumah jadi rame."
"Lu yakin bisa ngurus? sekolah lu diapain?"
"Tenang, aku genius, nee-chan. Level skill logikaku juga tinggi."
"Jadi, bayi ini kita adopsi?"
"Begitu lebih baik, kan?"
"Terserah, deh. Gue balik, yah. Mau kerja dulu. bye." 


Meela memungut dan memangku bayi malang itu. Tanpa Meela ketahui, seorang perempuan muncul di belakangnya. Entah sedang mengamati Meela atau malah mengamati bayi perempuan itu. 
Setelah Meela berbalik, perempuan itu pun menghilang. 
Who is she? huh?

Meela pulang dengan jalan kaki karena Rainberg sedang krisis moneter. Lagipula, Meela loves the cold, jadi ia sangat suka pergi ke luar rumah saat musim dingin.

Na..na..nah! Seorang alien datang berkunjung ke Rainberg house sepulangnya Feaq dari pantai. Alien ini bukan stranger, teman-teman. Dia adalah bestfriend nya Feaq saat masih child
Setelah beberapa lama tak ada kabar, akhirnya Alien bernama Uruf Zhaqof ini berkunjung ke Filli Land, tepatnya ke Rainberg-Waffle.

Layaknya sahabat lama, Feaq pun langsung berbaur dan mencairkan suasana dengan mengajak lempar balon air dengan Uruf. Yeeeet, oldfriend in other land.

Okay, that's it chapter 3 from Generation 1 of Rainberg-Waffle Legacy.
I use Indonesia now to telling that story. So, belajar bahasa Indonesia, ya! Soalnya besok UTS bahasa Indonesia. Ckckckkc...


03 Oktober 2014

New Friend | RBW #2

Yeah, this is autumn season. My favorite. 
Because My green tree will change to orang-red. :D

This is autumn, friend.
But, Meela still sleeping. Feaq who woke up earlier want to go vacation to beach.

But, Feaq has one task before it. 
She want to tend government's pumpkin garden.
Eugghh, autumn has many beautiful scenery.  

Yeah, it's time for beachyyyy....
Ouuw, rain was fall. Umbrella, where are you? Feaq bring you, doesn't it?

Wooh, beautiful scenery of beach. 
Sunset in Filli Land, waitttt  meeee~

Feaq just meet with two boys at beach. They name are Wa Fei and Tai Fe.
They were from EXO Family. 
"Um, sorry. Um... Um.... " he sighed.
"Um..? Umbrella, do you mean?"
"Yes, miss...?"
"Um, I am Feaqilla Rainberg-Waffle. Just call me Feaq."

Feaq join with them when rain stopped.
Someone come. Ouwww.. he was Manu Toney.
"Uh, Dad? Aren't you?"
"Yes, Feaq. How are you?"
"I am fine, Dad. Meela too."
"Be good with your new life, Feaq. Dad will support you to be best scientist."
"Not best scientist, Dad.  But, MAD scientist."


The other was go out. So, there just Wa Fei and Feaq.
They were chat.
"Ehmm, boy. Is it true that your name Wa Fei?"
"Yes, girl. Any problem?"
"Em, little. I think its freak name in Filli Land. Actually, where are you from?"
"Oh, other people also think that. I am from Wallsnut Valley. Btw, my name is cool. Do you think so?"
"Waaww. You're from Wallsnut ?! I dream if I can live there. Actually, you're name is freak but cool. haha"
"Yeah. Thank's, girl."

"Okay, my sister call me. I must go home."
"Okay. Thanks for today, girl. I hope, that we will meet again. Btw, where is your school?"
"Oh. I school at Mhilley Filli."
"What? Mhilley Filli? So, you can be my first friend there."
"Wait, first friend there? Are you school at Mhilley Filli too?"
"Yes. My younger brother and I are new student."
"Its great choice. Mhilley Filli will bring you to much desire."
"Yes. Like mad scientist. Btw, what your desire?"
"Good father."

Haha, Aya baru selesain 2 chapter dari Generasi pertama Rainberg-Waffle.
Semoga semangat untuk Legacy kali ini gak bakalan pupus lagi.
Sorry, for my English, temaaannnn!

01 Oktober 2014

Lovely Sister | RBW #1

Hello, I am Feaq. Exactly, Feaqilla. I was a girl who separated with my parents. I just live with my younger sister. Just her. But, I think, with her is more than enough.

Hi, this is me. Feaq's sister, Fameela. What? Are you think that I am more beautiful than her?
Hahaha, you almost right. But, I think that Feaq is most beautiful girl in the world.
She is my lovely sister. I can't live without her. 

 Like ONE DAY,

Hoaammm, is very light. Morning day! 
Then, what the heck?
Where my sister? OMG, is she work today? But, today is Sunday in Spring.


Huhh, spring, rainy, fog, and other is my favorit. Because, I hate snow.
I must work because I am older.
My sister must reach her dream. Doctor.
Part-time work is my choice, because I can take many work in a day.

So, this is my motorcycle. My father, Manu Toney, buy it from Hazen Land, our old city.
But, now, I moved with them. So, My sister and I are live in Filliin Land.


This is my hobby. Look trough at sky. I think that I can see a meteor or stars.
Because, I get fund if I can see and collect meteor or stars.

Yuhuu.. I discovered one meteor. I give it name 'Feaqmeel'
Hihihi, Feaq and me.
And, my logic skill is increase. I hope I can be a doctor once time.


Hiho, mina-san.
Aya comeback with The Sims 3, *winkwink
Hoho, ana punya nick baru. "Aya-chan"
Actually, karena banyak teman yang manggil Aya-chan, Aya, dan sebagainya, jadi ana ambil nick itu sajalah buat pengantar di blog ini. Singkat, padat, berisi, jelas, dan nama tsb masih masuk di kosakata nama lengkap ana. -- Awaliya --

Okay, skipppp.

Sekarang, aya pengin showing keturunan di The Sims 3 yang dikasih nama :
cihuyyy! nama bikin ndiri, cuy. :P

Rainberg Waffle diambil dari nama rain, berg (biasa ala jerman), dan waffle.
- rain    : because I love all about rain.
- berg   : because I like about Germany.
- waffle : because I like w, f, and l word.

So, it some reason why I took Rainberg-Waffle as my Legacy.

Let's introduce with members of Rainberg-Waffle Legacy. Here, I just took 2 person as active household. They were sibling. Exactly, two sisters.
They just a teenager. But, they can live without adult. hoho, *whatthink.


Name  :  Feaqilla Rainberg-Waffle
Zodiac  :  Capricorns
Traits  :  Angler, Evil, Green Thumb, Handy
Dream  :  Mad Scientist.

"Feaqilla as an older sister"

Name  :  Fameela Rainberg-Waffle
Zodiac  :  Scorpio
Traits  :  Frugal,  Genius, Hopeless Romantic, Natural Cook.
Dream  :  Renowned Surgeon.

Yet, I took 2 sister who have different character. 
Feaq (I usually call her with that nick), have an evil character. *jadi, si Feaq ini adalah kakak yang jail, namun Feaq juga terampil di berbagai bidang. Citanya ingin jadi ilmuwan gila. (?)

Sementara, si Meela adalah adik yang rajin dan hemat. Bahkan, dia juga pantai memasak. Intinya, Meela lebih cepat dewasa dari kakaknya, Feaq. 

Hoho, aya terinspirasi karakter mereka dari anime K-On! yang mengisahkan si Yui, sang kakak yang jahil dan konyol. Sementara adiknya, Ui, pintar masak dan sayang banget sama Yui. Tapi, IQ Yui lebih tinggi dari Ui. nyanyaaaaahaa~

Aya sengaja membuat dua orang remaja tanpa orang dewasa karena ini lebih seru. Game juga terasa lebih ringan. Padahal sebenarnya mereka adalah anak dari SaChi Lofreghaw dan Manu Toney yang sudah aya asingkan dari orangtuanya. Masa remaja mereka, sengaja aya lambatin biar momen remaja mereka dapat direkam sebanyak-banyaknya.

Semoga si Feaq dan Meela dapat hidup mandiri, ya, teman-teman.....

So, Feaq and Meela are founder of Rainberg-Waffle Legacy. 

You can read their story here :

Generation 1

Generation 2

#1 waittt...